Why the first three sessions can be a great stand alone Rolfing experience.
I often see people in my office who are interested in what the 10-series has to offer, but are unable to make the full commitment because of finances, time, uncertainty if the series will help them in the way that they need or some combination of these reasons. However, you don't have to commit to the whole series to experience change in your body
The 10 series has three cycles: The sleeve (1-3), the core (4-7) and integration (8-10). The first three sessions are intended to "open up the sleeve." Opening up the sleeve means loosening up the outer layers of muscle and fascia, muscles that are commonly associated with movement and work. The first three sessions address areas that cause the most problems -- ankles, wrists, lower backs, necks, and knees, which is why completing this cycle will nevertheless do great good. Session one loosens up fascia and muscles around the hips, shoulder girdle, arms, and ribs. Session two balances the feet and ankles which begins to bring length into the back. Session three opens the side from the torso to the hips and helps the find expansion within the body.
The first three sessions address areas that cause the most problems - ankles, wrists, lower backs, necks, and knees - which is why completing this cycle will nevertheless do great good.
Session One
The body will have trouble accepting change from subsequent sessions if it isn't breathing freely. Imagine how good it feels to take a deep, easy breath in after a moment of stress. Now imagine how it would feel if most of your breaths felt that way. The primary goal of the first session is to "free the breath." This is accomplished by loosening myofascial restrictions in the shoulder girdle, arms, rib cage, and chest. The secondary goal of the first session is to free the legs from the pelvis. The hips need to loosen in order for the legs to swing freely. Many times people are "jammed" from above and below the pelvis. After the first session many people feel longer and lighter.
After the first session many people feel longer and lighter.
Session Two
Session two focus on the legs and especially the feet. You must fix the foundation before you can rebuild the temple. Many people walk around on the outside edges of their feet, their tippy toes, or without even using their toes. Session two works to organize and balance the foot and ankle to improve the relationship with the ground. Efficient walking is really just a controlled fall but many people tend to pull their upper body along with them instead of letting their legs swing forward so the foot can catch their weight. The session ends with seated back-work to bring length and balance into the lumbars.
Session Three
Session three ties together the first two sessions, lengthens the sides of the body, and is a brief exploration of the core muscles. The rib cage is further freed from the shoulder girdle above and the pelvis below, and the 12th rib is freed from the quadratus lumborum and the spinal erectors. This often results in breathing that is much easier, less crowding of structures, and quite possibly less back pain. Clients often experience a sensation of length and expansion throughout their body.
If you're wondering if Rolfing is right for you, committing to the 3-series is a good place to start. The risk is minimal and the rewards could be bountiful. Contact me today for a free 30 minute consult or to schedule your first session!