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Improved posture and structure

Stress relief
Injury recovery 
Pain reduction
Revitalized energy
​Increased balance and flexibility

Who is it for?

Athletes and musicians may see improvements in their balance, coordination, and performance. Accident victims may experience a faster recovery times in in addition to the easing of discomfort and an increase in range of motion. Those suffering from chronic tension or body pain may find relief and greater ease in movement from their prolonged discomfort. Others simply want to increase their general sense of well-being and realize their full potential in the different areas of their lives.

What is Rolfing®?


Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of holistic  manual therapy and movement re-education that actively works with clients to balance, organize, and realign their body by releasing tension and strain. Rolfing focuses mainly on the connective tissue of the body, specifically the fascia. Clients who receive Rolfing® report a balanced, more comfortable, and flexible body. Clients also develop useful skills to help understand and respond to the signals their body and mind is sending them so they can more appropriately address discomfort and pain that may crop up from every day life experiences.

Rolfing® is about whole body structural integration and functional efficiency as opposed to specific symptom relief.  One of the distinguishing features of Rolfing® from many other manual therapies is also what makes it so potent: During the process of balancing the whole body, many symptoms and conditions improve. However,  it is usually an unresolved chronic symptom or condition that brings most people to try Rolfing®. 

Rolfing® 10-series

Classically, Rolfing® is done in a 10 session format, known at the "the recipe." The 10 sessions are divided into three cycles; the sleeve, the core, and integration. The recipe is a highly efficient way of systematically creating harmony and balance in an individual. 

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